HCGOP Mission
We Pledge:
To grow the Horry County Republican Party in strength and numbers, to provide leadership and an action-oriented platform for Conservatives in our County to impact change in our communities, election processes, and government, and to continue the fight against the Progressive agenda.
To identify and support truly Conservative candidates in local, county, state, and federal campaigns to enable the election of Conservative officials who will be responsive and accountable to We the People.
To lead the activities of the Horry County Republican Party, aligned with the principles outlined in the South Carolina Republican Party platform, to ensure that HCGOP members have a voice, are properly informed of key issues, and are empowered to take action to defend the US Constitution and Judeo-Christian values and to save our Country.
To restore control of the Horry County Republican Party Executive Committee to the duly elected Executive Committee members, Precinct Presidents, and elected HCGOP Officers, while adhering to HCGOP Bylaws and rules of the South Carolina Republican Party.